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Partners supporting IARC in strengthening research capacities worldwide


The IARC Fellowships Programme has partnered with Children with Cancer UK to award two fellowships for scientists, in particular from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), wishing to carry out research on paediatric cancers or cancers in teenagers and young adults.  In 2021, two promising young scientists were awarded postdoctoral fellowships focusing on childhood cancer in the Epigenomics and Mechanisms Branch
In 2022, Children with Cancer UK have renewed their support and will enable two more talented young researchers to join IARC. Read more.
Meet Grace Akinyi Odongo, Kenya and Natália Spitz Toledo Dias, Brazil, 2021 Children with Cancer UK Awardees. Read more.

The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research provides essential support to IARC through a postdoctoral fellowship focusing on genomic and epidemiological characterization of early-age-onset colorectal cancers. Thanks to financial support from The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research, Dr Wellington Oliveira dos Santos joined IARC in September 2022, in the Genomic Epidemiology Branch.
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The Terry Fox Foundation’s mission is to raise money for cancer research through the annual Terry Fox Run, Terry Fox School Run, as well as tribute donations and planned giving. Thanks to their financial support, Dr Ricardo Cortez Cardoso Penha, a postdoctoral scientist from Brazil, joined the Mutographs project at IARC to work on mutational signature analysis and prognostic factors. Read more.
Partnerships with donors such as the Terry Fox Foundation are vital to increase the number of postdoctoral scientists who can benefit from the IARC Fellowship Programme, and ultimately to boost the impact on research capacity in countries worldwide.Anouk Berger, Head of Learning and Capacity-Building Branch at IARC. 

The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) has provided key support to IARC through the UICC-IARC Development Fellowship. It has enabled promising participants from  the  IARC  Summer  School  to  return to IARC  and  spend  one  month  working in an  IARC Branch to  receive  further  training or set up a research collaboration. The UICC award contributed towards international travel and living costs. 

Priority is given to applicants  from  LMICs  in  greatest  need  of  developing  human  resources  in  cancer  epidemiology, cancer  prevention  and  early  detection, and many have benefited from UICC support since 2012. UICC-IARC Development Fellowship Awardees list. 

Meet Stephen Karuru Maina, Kenya; 2017 UICC/IARC Developement Awardee.

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