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LCB News


What is RSS?

Training news is now available via RSS (Really Simple Syndication). RSS provides a quick and easy way to keep up-to-date with the latest news from LCB. The content that you are interested in, called a feed, is delivered directly to you once you subscribe. This feed is also referred to as an RSS Feedweb feedRSS stream, or RSS channel.


How does RSS work?

In order to use RSS feeds on your computer, you need web-based software called an RSS readernews reader or aggregator. This software allows you to collect the RSS feeds from various sites automatically and display them for you to read and use.


Where Can I Get an RSS Reader?

Some versions of web browsers  have built-in RSS readers. For later versions, it may be necessary to add the RSS reader as an “Extension”, via the browser “Set-up”. RSS readers automatically check for RSS feeds when you visit a website, and display the orange RSS icon when they find one. 

IARC does not recommend or endorse any reader in particular.


Terms of Use

Use of the IARC RSS feeds is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the IARC Copyright Notice. IARC reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time.

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